Sunday, September 7, 2008

CJ Update #1

Simply put... Back to square one!!
It was initially very disappointing to hear that the original brain surgery WORKED!!! All of the MRI's and CT's showed that CJ's brain flow looked good, and there are no negative effects from re-damage... so now we're back to WHY????
He went back in Friday night for some more CT's and MRI's... the doctor thinks the problem could be either in the spinal column or in the brain itself (a ruptured vessel that possibly could have sealed off when it healed diverting the spinal fluid down another path), OR too much spinal flow (which is the OPPOSITE of what we have thought all these years).
The encouragement has come with DR. Oro telling CJ that he wont give up until they figure out whats wrong, so CJ hasnt been left hanging. He is going to stay in Denver until at least Monday when he hears back from the doctor, and if more tests are needed he will just stay.
So good news... no surgery... "bad" news... no surgery... yet.
There were lots more specific details, but not being there I dont remember them all and I am sure that some of you dont want all the nitty gritty anyway.

I will update again Monday with, hopefully, some news!!

(If you are confused about this information see my August 28th post)

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