Thursday, February 19, 2009

Stacey and CJ Random-ness

I am posing about us first, know that by the time I post about the kids we will be the 4th post down... and nobody really wants to know about us anyway!!

CJ is still going to Denver once a month to see Dr. McCarty. He has never felt good or complete relief like he did after the first treatment, but we are still optimistic. Each treatment brings a "change", and at this point change is good. The treatments are going to last longer than expected because when he had his surgery 5 years ago they literally removed a piece of his skull, so he has a hole in the back of his head. When you are trying to restructure something, and a piece is missing, it takes a lot more work, and more precise work, to get the job complete. So that's what we are dealing with. The trial now is that he walks around all the time feeling like he is going to pass out... with a headache... and no end in sight. So you can imagine how frustrating that is for him... and for me as a wife, not being able to help. But it is what it is, and we just push forward KNOWING without a doubt that someday this will be over and he will be whole again! The doctor thinks it could just be that his glands that secrete things like adrenalin (which helps us to not get dizzy) aren't working properly. CJ is taking supplements to try to combat it, but we are anxiously awaiting his next trip to Denver, that's for sure!

I am as healthy as I can be right now. On top of my 3 years now of diabetes, I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism last fall. You'd think that by having a diagnosis you could move on, right?!? NO... we're the Larson's we don't just move on from anything!! The problem is that I have hyPER thyroid but symptoms of hyPO thyroid... which means I am excessively tired and gain weight!! haha!! Funny huh!?!? What woman over 30 isn't, or doesn't!!! Anyway, I was put on a prescription that would essentially obliterate my thyroid and cause me to be on yet another medication for the rest of my life. CJ wasn't ok with that... and either was Dr. McCarty (we love Dr. McCarty!!!). So I am trying to battle the weight gain and fatigue and treat my problem naturally. I'll let you know how that goes!!


CJ and his friend Spencer (and Spencer's beautiful and MOST supportive wife Allison) are in the works to start another meat business. This time the idea is to NOT go door to door, instead they placed an ad in the local Valpak and have had a great response. It may have gone in a month early because all the kinks aren't worked out yet, so they haven't been able to make any $$ yet... but they are in the final stages and we are all really excited about it. Well, I think THEY are much more excited than I... as we have been through how many businesses so far?!?! I'm trying, I really am... and if Allison and Spencer still want to be my friends through all this I will be truly blessed!!! Anyway... here is their new website It should be up and running within the next week.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

Stacey! Wow. A lot gong on! We should do lunch or something now that we're back. I have lots to talk to you about!!!