This is Blake. CJ's 17 year old brother. He is joining our family for the school year because he is the most accountable teenager I know. Its a good thing that he's here and we couldn't be happier... most of the time... although I feel sometimes like CJ has a new wife... or.... well, you know what I mean! It has been great for CJ and Blake as well because, because of their age difference this is the first time they have ever had to spend together... hence, them both acting like children!
Ashlyn started 3rd grade in August! She is growing up so fast... they all are, and actually... its heartbreaking and frankly, I don't think its very fair!

This is her on the first day of school this year. She is very excited to try out for the school choir on the 12th and 13th. We'll let you know how that goes! She loves to read and sing, and would like nothing more than to play an instrument... I am not sure where she gets the talent for this!
She enjoyed a trip to Disney World with her Grandma Shawn this year. I think that may have been the highlight of her life. We are looking forward to Grandma coming to visit us on the 14th and 15th!!! We are all very excited! I think Grandma has missed her shopping buddy, but I am also sure that she has probably managed without her too!! :0)
Kailey started pre-school last week! She finally gets a chance to leave the house for a while and go to school like Ashlyn. She made sure to tell each one of us how much she was going to miss us while she was gone. (She goes Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10-12.) Its a co-op in our neighborhood so there are 5 kids and on every 5th week I am the teacher at our house. It will be fun. I cant wait to see how Canyon reacts to all the kids at our house!
This is Kailey on her first day! You can almost feel the excitement. Thankfully there was not the sleepless night before school, but instead there was the waking up at 7am and asking almost exactly every 15 minutes if it was time to go yet! Really, she did great and cant wait until Wednesday comes again. The best part of that is that maybe she'll learn the days of the week and we can mark that off our to do list!
Canyon is our firecracker! The phrase "boys are just different than girls" is so true, in more than just the obvious ways. Almost from birth he has loved tractors and big trucks. He is almost in his heaven here because we live at the end of a strip of newly built or building neighborhoods, so it doesn't matter where we have to go we get to pass lots and lots of working "big trucks" and "tractors" and Canyon makes sure he yells about each one, at least a few times!
Canyon got to experience both his 2nd birthday AND his first 3 wheeler ride within a months period of time. We like to joke by saying as "boy" as he is we still need to work on him living up to his name. With 2 sisters he has the tendency to squeal a bit... but we're working on it. A few more tractors and 3 wheeler rides and we think he'll be just fine.
He had a really good time with Daddy... and Daddy promised me that he was never scared!!
CJ and I are doing well. I guess other than bragging about our kids we don't have too much else to say. We love being in Utah. He found a great neighborhood and a beautiful home. We are looking forward to a visit, not only by Grandma Shawn next week, but a visit from Mom, Dad, Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Jim, AND Derrick and Marcy and Shyla in October. Then the rest of the Larson's, with the exception of Andrew and Lisa and Candace :0( , are coming in November for Thanksgiving. And before you know it, it will be Christmas time again and we'll be headed back to Spokane. We like being the tour stop for the Larson siblings. It keeps the adventure in our lives!