I did make my annual carrot cake, but it didn't quite turn out. I have been told that I am a pretty good cook. Most of the time I can make proper accommodations aka. substitutions in the recipes I make, however, when making a cake it is usually important to have 1) vegetable oil (this particular recipe calls for 1 CUP of oil). For those of you who aren't too familiar to cooking the oil adds a lot of the moisture to your cake. I don't use cake mixes so it is especially important to have moisture to your cake. MOST of the time you can replace the oil with applesauce... but I didn't have any of that either. 2) Eggs. Eggs are what hold you cake together and make it fluffy. I had the eggs the recipe called for... but since I didn't have the oil I needed more eggs (I love having such wonderful neighbors!) 3) (for this recipe) Pineapple. Pineapple adds a lot of moisture to carrot cakes. Most of the time you can't taste it but (can you see where I'm going with this) since I lacked the moisture from the oil... and potentially eggs... I REALLY needed the pineapple. Didn't have any! ALTHOUGH, it was my week for preschool, and the color I taught was yellow... so I DID have a slight remnant from a whole pineapple in my fridge. By now you're probably wondering why I even went ahead and made the cake???? Well, one of the first steps for this cake is to shred 6 cups of carrots and let them sit in brown sugar to extract the juices from the carrots (yep... moisture). It wasn't until after the carrots (and raisins) were soaking that I realized I was out of these things! Knowing I could not possibly trouble anyone for an entire cup of oil I decided to borrow an egg (hey... it was Easter all my eggs were boiled except the ones I knew I needed for the recipe). THEN I used the food processor to shred my pineapple. I kept the juices from that and between the egg and the pineapple... and a little added butter, it didn't turn out too bad. Not my regular heavenly carrot cake.. but not to bad... considering. In a way its all good though because knowing it is my moms favorite, and I couldn't share it with her long distance, I felt terribly guilty for even making it!
So besides the bad pictures, and OK cake here's the rest of Easter...

Kailey flying (or spinning) a kite. Ashlyn flying a kite.

Canyon FLYING a kite. I tried to switch my camera to video mode really quickly, but I wasn't quite quick enough. The sounds of pure joy that were coming from this little man were so cute!
(I hope you can't tell all the editing that went into this picture to make it so nice)
Anyway... I hope all who read this had a very nice Easter as well!