Grandma Shawn made her sweep through too! Thanks for the wonderful time Grandma! We sure wish you could have stayed longer!!!
We sure enjoyed our short, but sweet, visit with Grandma Shawn. We were all very spoiled, and I felt well just long enough to enjoy it! But hey, what would a month for the Larsons be without a little excitement?! CJ and I had just figured out that, dating back to the year we were married, we had taken turns with hospital stays... first Kailey was born, then CJ's brain surgery, then CJ had (what we were first told was) pancreatitis, then Canyon was born... and we all know what a fiasco that was (along with my hysterectomy), then earlier this year CJ was in for his appendix, now... my turn again! After battling a severe bout with the stomach flu on Thursday and Friday I began to feel better, and was able to spend Saturday keeping up with Grandma Shawn and the kids. Then as she left I got sick again! This was followed by a pain in my abdomen that I self-diagnosed as dehydration (I don't recommend doing this by the way). Then Sunday rolled around and I started feeling better, or worse... or better... or worse... anyway CJ and Blake were gone on a meat selling trip and I called them home. Sunday night I felt better... or worse... well, you get the point... and ended up sleeping through ,most of the night... only to have the same situation on Monday... with symptoms increasing Monday night and urging us to go to the emergency room only to find... drum roll please... a kidney stone AND a kidney infection! Just what every diabetic person wants to hear! Its ok though. With a heavy dose of antibiotics and pain killers, I will be good as new in a few days. Fortunately the stone is small (so they tell me!) so it will pass.. I can only imagine what the "big" stones feel like! I told the nurse that the only time it is ok to be in pain like that is when I'm delivering a baby! Anyway... I'm getting better! Kailey is disappointed though because it was supposed to be our week for preschool and now we'll have to wait! The dramas of being 4! Oh, but little miss Kailey did get to go on her first 3 wheeler ride this week too... I think she may have been a little more scared than Canyon though, so she made sure Daddy was going to go really slow!