I want to start with the fact that I LOVE being a mother. More than anything I love being a mother!! I don't take it for granted, and I don't take lightly the part my wonderful husband has in this whole beautiful puzzle we call life. I LOVE BEING A MOTHER. My children are the world to me.
This isn't a new idea I have stumbled upon. From the time I was a little girl I wanted to be a wife and mother, and I KNOW how blessed I am to be able to take upon the role. I can't say I have been "contemplating" this a whole lot the last week or so, but life, and the beautiful plan Heavenly Father has set forth for me is taking place. Every minute.
This last week we found out that Canyon has to have his tonsils and adenoids removed. Our poor little precious man who had such a thunderous entry into this world has to have a little surgery. By Larson standards (meaning our family of 5) this shouldn't be such a big deal, but it is. To me. As a mother. I love my man, and lets face it, the 2 of us have been through A LOT together. Our lives have been spared and there is work for us to do here on earth... but he is 4, and the thought of him going through something like this has been a little (right...little... I say that lightly) taxing on me. We also found out that Ashlyn has to have tubes put into her ears and the chronic congestion she has had for the last several years has played a huge part in this. Being so congested for so long has caused physical damage to her ear drums. Humbling as parents. What could we have done better? What could we have done more? But its all a process, a process in learning... to become better parents... a better mother... better people. All of us.
For the sake of this post I am going to focus on Canyon (and I am sure in another week when we have a scheduled date for Ashlyn there will be another post but... for now...).
Canyon is going in on Wednesday... and as I have said before, its a little taxing. I have submersed myself this weekend on making a quilt for him.

I LOVE BEING A MOM. I love my children with all my heart and soul and I am SO GRATEFUL to have been given this opportunity. I know there are many who might never know what its like to be a parent in this life. One of my cousins is looking forward to being a mother for the first time and I hope she can read this and be inspired, somehow. She has inspired me and helped me to remember this... God didn't choose anyone else to raise these children. He chose us. And for that I am forever grateful.