It has, in fact, been so long that I am having to shuffle through my pictures to remember some important dates and fun events...
#1 - Grammy and Papas visit! EARLY Christmas! Thanks goodness Santa gets things done... and thank goodness Kailey wrote him a note letting him know that it would be very nice if we could have Christmas early while Grammy and Papa were here... he obviously DOES watch because he came through! He showed up early.. and with my new camera... I don't know where the pictures are :( We did manage to get some pics of the girls dance though. The studio did a dance production of the Polar Express... and it was FANTASTIC. The girls did GREAT and Ashlyn was on top her game even though she STILL had her cast.

Canyon river has become absolutely obsessed with hunting... and thanks to a gift from Uncle D last year... spends most of his time hunting the mounts that are already on our wall... acting out being hunted (and the actual hunters who have watched him are amazed at the actual characteristics of each animal he has picked up)... watching hunting videos, and playing "the hunting game" on the Wii we got for Christmas from Grammy and Papa. Needless to say daddy is per-retty proud... but even HE admits, after hours where Canyon wont talk to us because he is an animal, that maybe our little man is becoming a little obsessIVE!

Then we had Christmas... ON Christmas!!! Daddy hid beneath the stairs and snuck a shot of the big guy. We were pretty luck he didnt notcie and high tail it outta here... although the presents were already under the tree so I guess we would have been safe anyway... I wonder what would have happened next year though????

Glad we dont have to find out!
I wish I had something a little more to document! Somehow my dear husband deleted all the Christmas pics of our family Christmas off the camera too. Although we did have a one day surprise visit from Aunt Jess.

and this is Jessie's... friend...???... Spencer. We are looking forward to getting to spend more time and get to know him much better over the next... many... many years.

So anyway... Merry Christmas and Happy New year (just a little late). We are dreaming of, and praying for a wonderful... HEALTHY year.