The end of yet another year... YEAH! Out with the old, in with the new... YEAH! I can't wait to see what 2009 has in
store for the Larson family. It would seem that there are lots of positive blessings just waiting to be given to us, so we're going to
choose to stay positive. We're going to
choose that good
ol' straight and narrow path. And we're going to
choose to show our Heavenly Father that we still have the faith worthy of receiving the bounteous blessings he so desperately wants us to have. Aren't all decisions we make, and attitudes we have, a
choice? Honestly!
That being said...
2008 went out with a bang (and boy are we glad its over!:0)!
CJ is still doing treatments once a month in Denver. They aren't always positive - as far as him having relief every time. But its a process and he
definitely notices changes each time - even if its just a change as far as where his headache is in his brain... but all change is good, and he is going to continue going until his entire skull has been adjusted. We are very thankful for Dr. McCarty, and the
Sinquefield's who selflessly let
CJ stay in their home... and for Ellen who lets
CJ have her car while he is there... and for the Davis's who help us with
CJ's airfare. We owe so much and are so grateful! You are blessings to us and through your service you all will be blessed! We are also SO thankful for all of the prayers we
receive daily. I still
believe, with everything in me, that
CJ will be healed!
I am still
planning on going to school, although with
CJ's treatments we have decided to put that on hold for just a little while. Its still a passion of mine and a true desire... I am sure I will get there soon!
So I said the end of 2008... here is how our December went...
Last year we didn't make it to Spokane until February. As many of you may or may not know
CJ decided to have heart attack symptoms the week before we were supposed to leave. Turned out it was just anxiety (as far as we know... all the tests came back normal). So mom and dad, in an effort to get us there FOR Christmas this year, decided it would be best for dad to drive down and pick us up.
CJ was having treatments in Denver the week before so we weren't sure if he would be up to going... and any stress we can minimize for him seems to be a huge help... so we just removed the Christmas stress altogether! Dad drove down... the day before Spokane got a record breaking 17" of snow in 24 hours! He arrived on Thursday,
CJ got home on Friday, Blake got sick on Friday as well... so Dad,
Ashlyn, Kailey, Canyon and myself piled into dads truck and headed to the great white northwest Saturday! We made it in 12 hours on clear roads! THANKFULLY!
CJ and Blake made the drive a couple days later in 17 hours on snow packed roads! UGH!! But we were all together with our families for Christmas and it was wonderful!
There was family...


(we lost our kids to modern technology....)


and even a dash through the snow...

(I had to put in 2 of Grammy
JoJo just because she's so dang funny!)
and this set... check out this progression... Kailey had snow in her pants (I can only laugh because I wasn't there)

and did a mention snow?!?!

This is a picture of
Shandi's parents house on the south hill. I'm not sure when in the process of the Spokane snowfall this was taken, but the snowfall at mom and dads was... deeper (they live outside the city). All of the Christmas yard art they had... buried... totally... except for the antlers of one of the lit up deer. You could see the very tips! I took pictures but those were on moms camera... so I will probably never see them.
These are of the Larson's house...
Blake's bedroom window

The front
Kandis after shoveling snow off the roof... yes that is the roof!
Kandis and Joanne spent a couple of days removing snow off the roof!
CJ and the kids actually went up there (to the Larson's... we were staying at my parents house) to sled and were stuck for a couple of days because of the snow.
We ended up leaving Spokane a couple of days later than expected but it was good to get a little extra time "back home".
In all truthfulness the snow may be a blessing!
CJ and his friend Spencer (both basically unemployed - but not by choice... don't even get me started on the economy) have headed back up there with some heavy equipment (aka a tractor and a snow blower for the tractor) to do some snow removal. Hopefully it will be enough to sustain both of our families for a while. Spokane's normal snowfall for the entire winter is 46". So far the month of December brought them 70" with another foot or so coming in the next few days. If any of you
Spokanites need help getting out of your driveways, down your street, into the parking lot at your business... there are at least a couple guys who are able to help! Just let us know!
We had a very good end to 2008. We pray that you all did as well. We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and wish the best for you in 2009!!