I was tagged... but I wonder why its called tagged... I mean we all know we're supposed to do it back... right?!?!? Anyway... I'm tagging all my blogger friends... even my blogger hopper friends... you know who you are!! :0)
1. Typically what time do you wake up??I have my alarm set for 6:45... the kids are usually crawling into bed with me promptly at 7:02 am.
2. On a good night what time are your kids in bed? 7 o'clock! We're thinking we will cut them some slack in the summer though.
3.How long have you been a mommy?9 years
4.How old were you when you became a mommy?24
5.What is your favorite kids tv show/movie?Open Season
6.What is your least favorite kids show?Sponge Bob
Squarepants7. What are your kids 'favorite' chores?
8.What is your favorite meal to cook? Anything I can cook for company (yep... open invitation!!)
9.What is the meal you cook most often?Chicken and broccoli... and Southwest Skillet
10.What is your kids favorite meal? Which kid??
CJ - Chicken and broccoli, Kailey - Panda Express Chicken (yep.. I have almost a perfect recipe concoction),
Ashlyn - Spaghetti, Canyon - anything with potatoes... or ice cream :0), Blake - I
don't think he has ever complained once about anything I've ever made
11.What is your favorite thing your husband does with your kids? anything one on one! Canyons favorite thing right now is trains, and its really cute watching
CJ look up
YouTube train videos with him and make the train sounds.
12.What are five things that make you smile when being a mom?1.innocence... like discovering something for the first time... or playing with a box 2.When my older child opens up and shares her feelings and my little ones open their arms for big hugs 3. when
they see
me and smile. 4. when they clean their room to surprise me... or make my bed 5. Watching them grow into little people.
13.If you could take your kids anywhere, where would it be?To Hawaii
14.When was the last time you went somewhere without your kids? This afternoon when I went to the dentist... and that usually about what it takes! :0)
15.What is your favorite past time activity to do with your kids? I wish we did more past time activities and not just the normal day to
dayers :0( (I'll be sure to read the tags to get some ideas)
16.Name one thing you said you would never do as a mom? I love my Mom!!!! I have actually, honestly thought about that... and...
hmmmm... ??? I'm not by any means a perfect Mom... nor was my mom... but I am happy to be doing the things she taught me.
17. What is your favorite quality your mom has? Sorry guys... I have the best Mom in the world!!!... followed in close second by
CJ's Mom. My Mom has the biggest heart and tries to find reasons to prove to us all how much she loves each of us... which are usually unnecessary because she has proven it so many times over and over. She has also taught us how wonderful it is to be pampered.
JoJo seems to, at the drop of a dime, drop everything to help anybody else in need.
18.What is your advice for new moms? You're going to get lots of advice... don't take it all literally! Just enjoy every moment... it goes SO fast (and that line will get annoying too).
19.What is the scariest or most heartbreaking moment as a mom?Not knowing where your child is... or knowing where they are and hearing the screech of sheer pain
20.What is your most joyful moment of being a mom? Recognition! Being a mom is hard work... and having a stranger (or friend) tell you how good your kids are is an amazing feeling. Its a combination of being proud of your kids and gratifying to know you're doing something right!!
21. When was the last time you were told 'I love you' by one of your kids? I'm very blessed (or maybe its just because they are so young)... several times a day!