So this is a recap of the last week or so in the Larson house...
First off -
Part 1: CJ goes to basketball every Tuesday and Thursday night
Part 2: I have a phobia of anything that flies and can potentially get in my hair... including flocks of birds. If you've seen much of me in person you will have realized that I have an ABUNDANCE of hair.
Conclusion: THIS was on my ceiling while CJ was at basketball.

It was located in the hallway right outside my bedroom door!! I skirted the wall to make it into my room, then there was a great deal of mental trauma trying to figure out if it would be ok for me to watch my movie in my bed, or if the light would attract the monster bug. After much personal deliberation I decided it would be ok AS LONG AS I turned on the brighter light in the dining room... so I had to skirt the wall back into the dining room... then back into my bedroom again. The only negative thing about this whole solution is that I haven't seen the bug again, so its probably still in my house.... somewhere!
Then... something very... hmmmm... traumatic?... happened.... CJ still doesn't know about it.

Honey, the girls did it without my knowing... I was just there to take the pictures after it was already done... don't you like the innocent look on his face?!?!?!
Also this week, Kailey decided she just couldn't wait for Grammy JoJo to get here to spend her birthday money. She loves puzzles and was sure thats just what Grandma would have picked out for her.

She also got a doll, and a stuffed animal for her doll... because, lets face it... every doll needs a stuffed animal!! We can't wait to see you in a couple of days Grandma (and Grandpa and Blake too!)!!!
And just so you know... Canyon was back to himself in no time...

I had to put in a couple of photos, just so I got my point across!
And last, but very not least...
The pool Grammy Bev and Papa Larry got for the kids didn't hold up very well, SO Grammy, bless her heart, said we could get something else... this was, by far, one of the best $21 (INCLUDING SHIPPING) she ever spent...

this was one of Kailey's first attempts.

This was one of Canyon's only attempts. You can almost see his feet sliding out from underneath him. He ended up hitting his head, so after that he would lay on his belly and I would have to push him down.
This was one of Ashlyn's moves... take out the tunnel!
This is our friend from across the street, Amber
and her brother Arlen. He looks amazingly athletic in this picture... however he is only 3, and after hitting the back of his head on the way down a few times, he also decided it would be better to go down belly first... but he did the belly crawl. It was amazing how much speed his little body could carry down that slide!!
And this is the group
(notice where Canyon is
standing in the background)
This weekend Blake is coming back with Grammy JoJo and Grampy Stevie, while they are visiting... THEN....... the kids and I are following them back to Spokane to spend a week or so!! Yep... you read it correctly! We really are going to make it to Spokane before Christmas!... and we're so excited!!