I can't beleive its already here... and just over a month left of school! I cant wait for school to be out... then we can have fun camping and visiting family and friends... best of all... NO MORNING ROUTINES!!!
Anyway.... besides having my procedure... the first part of spring break was rough!!! I PUT ASHLYN ON A PLANE BY HERSELF!!! I do think she did much better with it than I ... but nonetheless... it was traumatic!

As we were preboarding, a man with LOTS of paperwork came and started talking with us. He explained, after a couple of minutes, that he was an FBI agent and, seeing my obvious distress, said he would keep an eye on her for me. So he started up the ramp before Ashlyn, stopped half way, and waited. as the boarding lady took Ashlyn up the ramp he explained to her that he told me he was going to keep an eye on Ashlyn for me. Slight relief. I told Ashlyn and grammy both that the VERY SECOND Ashlyn stepped off th eplane to call me. They did... or at least pretty close... and Ashlyn said the FBI agent showed her his badge and literally kept watch of her the whole way. Not something a 9 year old really wants on her first excursion into non-parental freedom!!! She is having a blast shopping and eating lots of meals out.
The next Spring Break post will be Ashlyn's details of her trip.