June - Summer began (the girls got out of school the end of May), Kailey got a FABULOUS haircut (or did I post that already.. I don't remember... so I'll do it again!)!!
From this....

to this!!

Grammy and Papa came for a surprise visit (bearing gifts of course)... well, it was a surprise for the kids, and I kinda kept the date a secret from Ceej too, he tends to make secrets not so secret.

(Canyon got a bike, Ash an Ipod and Kailey a camera)
Ashlyn had a dance recital, I think I have shown enough of her dancing, and I am going to have to Photoshop these pictures because they are pretty dark, but this was the first time she performed this particular dance... it was really fun and the girls got to pick their own costumes... way cute!!

We also made a trip to the Hogle Zoo...

complete with a train ride

(and pre-zoo food...)

Once we left for our annual trip to Spokane, Kay turned 6!!! I cant believe she's 6!!! She had a party at Grammy Bev's and we went strawberry picking with Grammy JoJo

July- was spent in Spokane. It was going to be a 2 week trip, but it ended up much longer. Our days were really full and we ONLY saw family.. .so if we didn't see you.. I sincerely apologize... you weren't left out, I promise! Here are some random memories of this summer in Spokane...

And the most memorable part of our vacation was the 4th of July
August - I had a birthday... yep... I turned 30.... ish and our little Buddy turned 4!!! I attempted to, once again... make the perfect cake... AND... I failed... miserably... so, no, you will never see a picture of the cake. However... his birthday was on a Thursday so he had a birthday weekend and a birthday day. For his birthday weekend we went "fish hunting".

And after a long hard wait... Daddy and Canyon caught a fish... but "it had a cut in its throat so we had to let it swim back to its home".

(apparently where we went you cant keep cutthroats is what it all boils down to. )
We also caught and ate crawdads

(which we decided wasn't worth the trouble so we are just going to save up for a lobster next time)
The only downer part of the entire day was the bugs. Every once in a while these little flying, biting ants would SWARM us. Having the hair that I have I have always had a little phobia of bugs and birds (weird, I know) so I stole Ash's shirt and was dubbed "pirate mommy" for the day

(oh... and Kailey started dance too!!)

Canyon also got to do some bonding with Daddy and went up in the mountains on the 4 wheeler!

What a great birthday!!!
And last but not least SCHOOL!!!
5th grade

1st grade

and yes, pre-school

SO how'd I do!! I managed to get 3+ months wrapped into a nice little package!!! Now, if only I can get back on my weekly schedule...
Oh, and did I mention a move??? Yes, we moved... and CJ did most of it while we (the kids and I, he didnt come along) were out of town. The house is still too unsettled for any pictures, but as soon as we have boxes out of the way I will show you our new little humble abode (same neighborhood and everything!!) What I can show you though... is that THIS is about 1/3 of our view... every morning!!