Everyone, every person, every family, every household - we all have different burdens to bear... we have all different challenges to face and we all handle them in different ways! Last week, or maybe a couple weeks ago, at church a very sweet sister was in tears over the rough week she had with her 18 month old son not being able to sleep at night - bless her heart. It is her first child and I'm sure that for her it was very difficult. My trials which, over the past two weeks, include a very sick 17 year old (male... need I say more), then I got sick (yep, going on 2 weeks now). While I have been sick Kailey has gotten sick (thrown up twice... she is going on about her 5
th day - 2
nd type of sickness), Canyon has gotten sick (been in bed with me by about 4 am for about the last week and a half),
CJ (male... on top of his norm) has gotten some stomach bug and finally
Ashlyn (thrown up twice but on the mend). Its never fun to have sickness, and its especially never fun for the Mommy to be sick WHILE the rest of the house has sickness!!! But we're getting better... its just been one of those days - or weeks, or two. .. but I know that my trials, as difficult as I consider them to be, would be a blessing for another who is in much worse spirits than I. I am thankful for the health that I do have... but YUCK!!