Blake... Blake, Blake, Blake - Oh how I had suppressed my days in high school... the drama! The only thing I have not liked about living with a high schooler is replaying my high school years! Its funny how we can look back and feel so foolish about things we cannot change... EVER! He is a natural at anything musical and plays the drums in the high school band. I have heard him on many occasions "playing" with the keyboard I have (I'm really glad that is getting used!) and sounding like he is following sheet music. He was confident that he would be able to stay stron - be a warrior- while he was hare and not give into the female influences.. he has done ok... but there are days he goes home with bigger grins than other days.. and I can see right through it! Those tend to be the days that he insists he cannot go another day without a cell phone (I have dated myself significantly by insisting that many intelligent people - including doctors AND lawyers - have come from the days where high school kids didnt have cell phones! I can't beleive I am giving those lectures in my 30's! My EARLY 30's)! Overall though, he is doing awesome! He had almost straight A's on his midterm report with the exception of one B in percussion from missing the first football game of the year. HE and CJ still tend to be a source of amusement in the home, and only a couple of times have seemed to be getting bored of eachother! (Sorry, the picture was the best I could do - Blake refuses to smile for a camera!)
Now, onto my dear dear hubby! Didn't I point out in an earlier post the we just wouldn't be us if we didn't have drama?! Well, this week also was no exception. First off CJ sold his Storks pick-up. He is hoping to get out of the meat business and start focusing more on chocolate. CJ, being the guy that he is, met a guy in the Wal-Mart parking lot who was interested in buying the business' assets. So they talked and met and the money was transferred from the buyers bank to B of A, where the truck loan was. CJ proceeded to find the truck he wanted, and purchase it. Its a beautiful truck. A F350, same year as his F150, but rated to haul a heavier load. (We have had lots of truck problems due to the amount of weight he was loading in the bed of the truck). PLUS the new truck has a warranty! Woo hoo! All said, we're only going to be paying less than $50 more a month. So it was a great deal (no drama yet, right?) Well, 2 weeks after the sale, and purchase, CJ got a call from B of A stating that the truck payment was late because the wire transfer had been reversed! Basically, the truck had not been paid for and we were still responsible for the payments! (tah-dah! now, we've got drama!) My first response was, call the police, this guys stole your truck!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CJ's first response was there must be some kind of mistake, I know this wouldn't happen on purpose. My response to that was - call the police, this guys stole your truck!!!!!!!!!!!!! I proceeded to get every bit of information on the truck, including the bill of sale both CJ and this guy had signed. CJ did a very good job maintaining his composure and insisted that there was some kind of mistake. He tried to call the guy... cell phone number changed. He went to the credit union the guy belongs to and talked to the branch manager who handled the transfer to begin with. She couldn't give any information. So he went to the house where he picked him up the day of the sale... moved. I think at this point his anxiety level was beginning to increase and he was realizing that he had been scammed. He went back to the bank, talked to the same lady and got a little information. I, being the super sleuth detective that I am, got online (ok, so I'm a nerd) and did a reverse search of the address in Idaho CJ had been given, and got a phone number. To sum up a long story, CJ ended up calling the number, getting a cell phone number, and calling this guy. It turns out, it was, in fact, just a mistake. The guy had no idea. The bank had sent CJ the title, free and clear, to give to the guy who bought the truck. The guy who bought the truck received a letter saying CJ had the title. Apparently what happened was this guy went right to work selling meat. One of the checks he received from a sale bounced, leaving him $3 short!! So it was the bank that reversed the transfer. They spoke on a Saturday night, and he was back in Salt Lake Monday morning to get cash in hand and brought it out to CJ. PHEW! But, after the adrenaline that had been pouring into CJ's blood stream for 3 days suddenly stopped... he got the stomach flu that I had and was in bed for the 4 days following. He got up for a day, just to go back down the next. Finally, yesterday he forced himself back up to take a trip, so we can pay bills this month.

hey guy's wow alot can happen when u dont keep up!! it's great to see everyone through the blog. i have alot of fun reading it!! who need's soap's, just read the larsonfamileeblog!! it's way more interesting then any soap opera!!! please give my love to everyone. miss u all. love nina
miss my family, you know that one that I come home to now more than mom and dads it is actually the perfect situation for me THANKS( how is my storage unit holding up??) the pictures are so cute and the info is good as well. I can't wait to come and see you guys in just a few weeks or so. love you all
aunt kandis
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