Although first of all I will say that I realized I missed adding
Ashlyns 9th birthday party!!
She was able to invite a few friends over
and we went bowling. I had honestly forgotten the importance of squeeeaaaling when you're 9! Apparently its a rule of some sort, at least I assume so because there was LOTS of it. I opted out of doing the sleepover thing this year, and thankfully so because there were actually no tears... once the party started. Its difficult being in 3rd grade you know! Thankful the tears were neither Ashlyn's nor Ashlyn caused so all is well!
Now for... HALLOWEEN! First we went on a field trip with the pre-schoolers. That was interesting. We stayed maybe a bit long to hold interest for the kids... even though there was so much to see! We ended up going through a corn maze... which was VERY interesting.... went down a GIANT slide saw a mini-farm zoo
... and PICKED pumpkins! 
But best of alll... Canyon got to sit on a real tractor!!
Good times!
And we cant forget pumpkin carving! Canyon wasn't too terribly thrilled
with the whole getting slimy thing, but enjoyed doing what the girls were doing.
When he lost interest and I walked over to finish cleaning his out he let me know that I was entering his territory by yelling "that's mine... that's mine!" The girls had fun cleaning theirs out and choosing the templates we would carve. They were pretty detailed, and unfortunately, because I was on pain meds (you can read about that later) I didn't take any pictures of my fine craftsmanship! For the real event Ashlyn was the most beautiful candy corn on the planet and Kailey was a "poodle" (that's what she says).
I asked CJ to draw a little poodle on her cheek and she ended up with a cool poodle, but it was over her entire cheek and down her neck. It reminded me, for just a moment, of Mike Tyson. But she was soooo cute... if I do say so myself! Then Canyon, he was a raar-raar, aka dinosaur. He was so cute. He caught on to the whole trick or treating thing pretty quickly and it was adorable watching his little tail wag as her ran after the girls!! And Ashlyn was thrilled to be able to do my make-up!!

We have another house guest... another semi-permanent house guest... and it's been great! CJ's sister
Kandis has returned from another adventure and is going to be staying with us for a while. She is also searching for the perfect job, so until she finds that I will have someone to help out with the dishes!! I really enjoy having her here. She is the sister I never had. She is actually teaching me how to sew... well, actually I just watch her and pretend I am gaining knowledge when really I don't actually know what she is talking about :). She is also teaching Kailey a thing or two. The kids love having her here too, because Kandis loves to do crazy hair! I think she may be the last Larson to come live with us, although there has been speculation that when the rest of the clan comes for Thanksgiving they may decide to stay too. What can I say... we're cool (and they are really not going to stay!!!)!

Having Kandis has been nice for other reasons too. (Cue drama!) It has allowed
for us to have a babysitter as I have had to have some tests for more kidney issues. 2 weeks ago I started having what I recognized to be kidney stones again. This was on a Sunday, so on Monday I went to the doctor. He did some blood tests and an x-ray, in which he saw 1 maybe 2 stones. So he scheduled me for an ultra-sound for a better look. He called me the next day and said my blood tests came back and my thyroid level is high. So he diagnosed me with hyperthyroidism and asked that I come back for another blood test and go in for a thyroid scan. SO I went in for my ultra sound and they did, in fact, see 2 stones. One was so large it was just hanging around the kidney and the other was way down, almost to my bladder, but too large to go any further. I won’t pass them on my own! Fun, fun! So he had me schedule an appointment with a Urologist to see what procedure they would have to use to remove them. On Wednesday I had to go to the hospital to take a couple of pills to get my body prepared for my thyroid scan which I was having on Thursday. Then after I took the pills at the hospital I went to the Urologist. He said that he thought the energy procedure to blast the stones should be sufficient. The machine uses sound energy to break up the stones, but only has a certain amount of energy each procedure, so the hopes are that the largest stone will break up easily so there will be enough energy to break up the small one as well, and avoid a more invasive surgery. Anyway, he wanted me to go in for 1 more x-ray (this in addition to the other x-ray and emergency visit last month when they did a CT scan). Soo, on Thursday I went in for a thyroid scan, which is another CT scan. I was kind of eager to go in there and be able to lay in a quiet CT room, little did I know I had to lay still with my head cocked back for 20 minutes! Try it... its not very fun! . I haven't gotten the results back for that yet. I asked how important it is to have the surgery right away or if we can wait a while, since we have to pay a portion up front. They said that isn’t an issue, but it is inevitable that I will have to get it done. Fortunately the stones stay in place most of the time so I am not in constant pain, but when they do decide to move the pain is significant! What they think happens is the large stone is moving in and out of the kidney. Whenever this happens I have pain. With the smaller one, that is further down the tube, they think that every once in a while it completely blocks the tube to the bladder. When that happens the stone floats, or moves, and causes pain.
I will let you know when I find out something more about the thyroid, and what the complete diagnosis and treatment is, and when the kidney stone procedure is scheduled.
As for now, I am trying to focus on the times when I feel good, and all of the other positive things in my life I am blessed with. the best "medicine" is to stay positive I have found.

I will let you know when I find out something more about the thyroid, and what the complete diagnosis and treatment is, and when the kidney stone procedure is scheduled.
As for now, I am trying to focus on the times when I feel good, and all of the other positive things in my life I am blessed with. the best "medicine" is to stay positive I have found.
More "good" news.... MY first 4 wheeler ride! I must say though, I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the kids and the guys did. I will let them take my turns from now on!! :)
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