Yes, our trip to Spokane was cancelled. CJ decided he was going to have a heart attack, or at least mimic a heart attack, the night before we were going to leave! After being in the ER (oh yes, we are becoming very familiar!) and being told we couldn't go anywhere for a while, we had to start scheduling appointments for tests. Fortunately all of his tests have come back clear... but he still has a chronic, or constant, pain in his chest... the mystery pain! We have our theories about what it is, and hopefully after his appointment NEXT Tuesday, we will be able to finish our Christmas... in Spokane! The Christmas that we had here was really great though!
It was the first year in my whole entire remembrance that I got to stay home on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day! What a novel idea, right!? I did enjoy watching the kids play with their new toys. We were able to relax all day and just enjoy Christmas, the only bad part was that by about 10 am on Christmas morning I was back to the regular ol' Mommy routine... cleaning, cleaning up after that which wasn't previously cleaned, changing diapers, making snacks... all the joys! I did get a Christmas nap though so that was really nice! We are all getting very anxious to see what Santa left for us in Spokane though!

An update on me... well, since the diagnosis of having a thyroid problem (my appointment is still forthcoming for an actual diagnosis... its only been 2 months!!) I have gained every one of the 20 pounds back that I lost when we moved here.... this probably qualifies as TMI (too much information), but I am feeling the need for a couple "poor Stacey"'s today (even though I won't be able to audibly hear them?!?!). I still have the kidney stones, but they have been staying put, so I am usually pain free. As soon as we have a diagnosis on CJ we will be able to focus on getting these bad boys removed.

CJ has been buying and selling 4-wheelers. He loves it! He has actually been doing so well, in fact, that he is going to get a business/dealers license! We are hoping we'll be able to stay in Utah for a while. We will be making that decision in February.
Canyon has suddenly turned into a parrot! Anything anyone can do (or say)... he can do (or say it) better. It is actually very cute. He has developed a deep love for the song Jingle Bells... Bing Crosby... look out! It kind of came about mysteriously and suddenly... one day I just heard him belting it out at the top of his lungs! Oh, and fair warning... don't EVER try to help him take off his shoes... or his coat!!! He is still my snuggly guy though! He LOVES the race car bed that Santa brought him. He is so proud and wakes up every day saying "I wated up in my wace tar bed" (translation I waked up in my race car bed)... even if it is in the middle of the night. We are learning though that if it is still dark outside we have to stay in our race car bed! He is also so full of thank yous. He is my laundry helper and yesterday as I was putting the laundry into the dryer (that's usually his job), each time I threw a few things in I heard "thank you"... "thank you". It only took me a couple of times before I realized he was thanking me for doing his "job"... so I set them on the dryer door so he could do it himself.
Kailey and Ashlyn... it was hard keeping them busy over Christmas break. They have turned into teenage sisters who fight over clothes, the only difference is they fight over toys too! When it comes to bedtime though they are suddenly the best of friends who have a true desire to stay up all night talking! Kailey likes to help me with everything that is not their bedroom or playroom, so I do have lots of "help" around the house. That I am grateful for. Sometimes things take a little longer but that's ok! Her and Canyon both will do just about anything for a piece of healthy chocolate!! Ashlyn is a dance machine. She got some fun CD's for Christmas and I find her making up secret dance moves in her room. She is never shy to share with us what she has learned though. I had forgotten all of the exciting things you learn in 3rd grade. Suddenly you are a little adult... ok, so maybe that didn't happen at such a young age "back in the day".
Blake was able to make it back home for Christmas. A friend from church in Spokane bought him a ticket with her frequent flier miles. If only we all would be so giving. He enjoyed several days of snowboarding, but picked right up with his drumming (on everything) when he got back. He is looking forward to this last semester of his junior year. I think he has had to work through some home sickness again though. Going home will do that to you. I know I don't do things like Joanne does. I have had to convince CJ of that for the last 5 and a half years, and I am still working on it. Big shoes to fill!!! But they're managing!
There are definitely never many dull moments in our home, but I honestly wouldn't trade the bickering for anything. We have fabulous children, who really have more good moments than bad.
Sorry for the delay in posting. I guess I didn't want to do it because I wanted more happy stuff to write about... but as I sit back and think about our lives, we really are very blessed.
1 comment:
Oh the Larson drama...! :) I love you guys! I miss you guys! I really hope that you figure out CJ's pain in his chest, that is a scary thing! And I had no clue about your health issues right now! I'm glad that you were able to focus on family and all getting healthy during the holidays. I really can't wait for you to come up here though. You made it sound like you weren't for sure if you were staying in Utah (although you want to)? Is there a question right now as to your future? Good ol' CJ, always trying something new! His mind must be racing ALL the time! :) And you wonder where your children get it??? :) Well, just be sure to keep us posted on when you'll be in Spokane. I'm glad that you finally posted and gave us some good information, I had no clue about some of the things you mentioned! I really hope that everything works out well for you guys and you are all able to come home healthy!See ya soon, hopefully!
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