So, I have held onto to fond memories, for a big part of my life, of making no-bake cookies with my Aunt Carrie. I spent a lot of my time with their family when I was growing up... they had 2 children (at the time) younger than me so I felt most helpful. Anyway... maybe I didn't actually spend a lot of time with them... but I think I did, and the few childhood memories that come to me, without a reminder, is of being with Carrie. So the cookies I have the fond memory of are the oatmeal chocolate no-bake cookies. I have made them dozens of times in my life, but I am not sure if I ever made my Aunts recipe (not sure why... just one of those things I guess). Well, yeterday I got the recipe from my cousin Jamie, and had to make them right away. Kailey and Canyon both LOVE helping me in the kitchen. Kailey was at preschool, and Canyon was eager to be my little helper....

The recipe calls for 1 cup of peanut butter. I measured it out, and mixed it in, and Canyon did his best to figure out how to get the remaining peanut butter out of the measuring cup! (What you cant see is that it is a perfect circle from his nose to the bottom of his chin!)
Just one of those things tooo cute not to share!
By the way... the cookies turned out awesome!!!
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