We set off on our date at about 6 pm... only after CJ had asked me to print off some blue ribbons, got Boyd's walkie-talkies... and putting iron.

JUUUUUUST kidding!!
Then something happened...
Boyd went Rodeo Clown on us!!! I won't say any more about that...
First, CJ took us to the golf course where we had a challenging game of Couples Golf ... (it was actually just a matter of which woman made the shot in the fewest number of strokes, then which guy made the shot in the fewest number of strokes. We each had to make it into 2 holes.)

(nice shot Ceej!)
which CJ and I won! Blue ribbon for us!!! ... Oh but not before we got our first blue ribbon in a grueling match-up of rock, paper, scissors between CJ and Boyd... which entitled us to not have to spend our gas money... Boyd drove. (I have a confession... that nobody pointed out... ever... probably because they all know I am completely inept when it comes to athletics... I cheated... the first hole I helped my ball into the hole a little)
We then headed to Smith's grocery store for a very competitive round of "each-couple-find-three-really-hard-to-find-items-which-the-other-couple-has-to-put-away". Ever played that?? Well, each couple had to find three things in the store, which are not very popular items, hand them off, and the other couple has to find where they go, getting the blue ribbon that the original couple left behind. Three more blue ribbons for us!!! Not to brag or anything... but we really rocked that night!!! SO since Anna and Boyd were shut out they had to buy dinner!! Well... actually the original plan was that CJ was going to buy dinner because we owed them. So, in an attempt to salvage our friendship (since they had to drive AND they lost every game... I know, I know, I am pretending I am the ultra-competitive wife here.. but really it was lots of fun... regardless of who won! ) CJ went ahead and bought dinner. We had LOTS of... very educational... conversations... at dinner, and CJ, Boyd and Anna caught up on some old times (they worked together in Virginia, of all places, several years ago). Anna and Boyd are the greatest... and taught us lots... even how important it is to get a nap at least once a week. Sunday's are best... I was going to try... but it just didn't work out this week. I'll have to try again.
hee hee! Great Post! Thanks for the best date in the world even though we lost!! And were such sore losers that you had to buy dinner anyway. I guess it's our turn next time. And Yes C.J. there is a next time and it will be soon, so get ready! Plus the best part about it is Stacey and I will be planning it...
p.s. Today is Sunday... and I strongly suggest you and Ceej take a NAP!
p.s.s. I think that Rodeo Clown is really HOT!
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