Daddy was just a little grumpy today, so we almost grounded him from his birthday party... but I spent way too much time on the meal planning to NOT have a birthday party... and after all... it IS his day right?!
We had a big evening planned for Daddy! Ashlyn went a couple of days before to see if we could borrow Allison's massage chair (Spencer and Allison decided it was more important to go to HAWAII than to come to CJ's birthday... WHATEVER!!!). Then Daddy had the complete birthday work over...
A massage by Ashlyn

Drink service by Kailey

And a check-up from Canyon, just to be sure everything was going ok...

Then a massage by Kailey

And dinner service... his requested meal, Beef Stroganoff. Followed by the most fabulous cake I have ever made... if I do say so myself. CJ, for some reason I will never be able to figure out, enjoys eating his cake in a bowl... with milk. A while back Kandis (WE MISS YOU KANDIS... PLEASE COME HOME!!) brought home a piece of Tres Leches cake, and what better than soggy yucky cake than Tres Leches... a cake that is supposed to be soggy... but by no means mushy and yucky. I would have posted a picture of the cake... but it was eaten tooo fast... yes, a cake in our home gone in 1 day... I never thought it would happen!
Then presents... we can't forget presents. For those in my family this game will look familiar... and since we are so far away, I had to buy it :0( (We're hoping and hoping that a game a Washoes will show up too)

Now the logic behind the gift... when we were on our day camp out Saturday, Boyd beat both Blake and CJ BAD at horseshoes. CJ said he wanted a horseshoe set so he could practice and then Boyd wouldn't have "home field advantage". So I figured it would be better that CJ (and Blake) have their very own game to have "home field advantage" with, to beat the pants off their friends!!
Daddy was very surprised with his birthday party since he thought it was all over with on Saturday

And poor Canyon.. he just waited and waited for his turn ;0)

I look forward to next year!
soooo cute your kids, ashlyn's hair looks very very good. it looked like the birthday party was a success! i miss you guys too.
love ya kandis
Oh Stace, you know how I LOVE re-enactments! Fabulous one of CJ. And seriously, need to get tips. I love doing b-day stuff, but never thought of trying to outdo myself and make it bigger and better each year! You're awesome. CJ is one lucky guy!!!
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