Blake's got about 10 days left before he heads back to Spokane for the summer. Part of me is thinking "back to normal life in the house" because, lets face it, having a 17 year old in the house... not to mention the youngest sibling of your spouse, takes adjusting. Who woulda known how much of an adjustment a 17 year old would be... quite simply because of the fact that 75% of the time I have TWO 17 year olds in the house (I'm talking about CJ, not any of Blake's friends). In my opinion CJ tends to spoil Blake just a little bit, which sometimes gets on my nerves. Don't get me wrong, I love Blake... its just taken some adjusting... and if you know me well at all... I do not adjust very well.
But this isn't about the hardships or adjustments I have had to make... its about something, I feel, is much more important...
So to Blake I say sorry for my mood swings and irritability.-What brings me to this you ask??? Well, our dear Blake humbled me last night... not in an "I'm gonna humble her" kind of way, but in a very sweet, subtle, thoughtful kind of way.
After school yesterday he "hung" with some of his friends (that's high school lingo, if you didn't know). And called needing a ride (AGAIN ;0), but anyway...). CJ was in the midst of chaos and trying to meet with 4 different people all the while not being at home and needing a part for a 4 wheeler, which he thought was at home but was actually with the 4 wheeler all along. So it took some work, but CJ finally picked Blake up at Wal-Mart. When they got home Blake came to me and said "is this Tide with Downy ok?", and "did you need any toothpaste, because I picked you up some toothpaste". I never asked Blake to pick anything up at the store, but he did, because he is sweet. Then to top it all of he pulled a Snickers bar out of the bag and said "I also picked up this for you". In my narrow minded get-myself-through-my-day routine, the night before, I had casually mentioned to CJ that a Snickers bar sounded really good. I don't even know where Blake was at the time... but he heard me, how do I know he heard me? Because I asked him.
So little things do mean a lot, and I just wanted to publicly thank Blake for being thoughtful... wWell, I guess the candy bar didn't actually top it all of because what topped it all off was this... I left Blake a little note last night, thanking him again. When CJ woke up this morning he asked the reason for leaving Blake the note... and I had to explain the whole thing to him. We both, then realized, again, how thoughtful Blake could be, because he obviously wasn't looking for any sort of recognition, he just did it, just because. Thanks again Blake! I guess part of me will miss you this summer :0) Stay strong and stay true to yourself. Have the faith in yourself to pull through. We'll always be here.

P.S. Kandis... we all still miss you!!
1 comment:
dang it, my brother is a hot one. good picture blake. i miss you, sounds like you will be missed around there as well. in fact i miss all of you, take care, i will see your guys before you know it.
love you kandis
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