Today was just one of those days!
I can't believe this is Ashlyn's last week in the 3rd grade!!!
She is such a blessing to me, and to our family. She has grown so much this year and is already turning into a young woman. I think I've said before that I can't imagine getting through life without her. WOW!! That's a lot to put on a little girl!! But to know her is to love her and to have the privilege of knowing how special she is. So, last week of school... I have been such a "great" mom I have made it into her classroom exactly 4 times this year... 2 conferences, once to drop something off, and once to give her Tylenol after she had 2 teeth pulled... we did make it another time... to have lunch with her... 10 minutes late... and in elementary school 10 minutes late is too late... Ashlyn got to eat but her brother and sister didn't get to join her. She is a trooper though and just doesn't seem to let things effect her. I had it in my mind to bring Kailey and Canyon to Field Day at her school today, to at least watch her run the mile and cheer her on. Last night when she got out of bed to ask for money for Field Day snacks my reply was "well, that's not until the 27th, we'll just worry about that...... oh no.... I have a dentist appointment in the morning!!!". So this morning the 3rd grade class was set to start the mile at 9:40, and I was driving by at 9:50 to go to the dentist... YEP... WORST MOM IN THE WORLD!!!
Ashlyn I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next year I will be in your class so much you're going to wish you were in the third grade again!!!
She has had a great year, even though I've let her down a couple of times... in fact I don't actually know that she's even noticed too much. She has had a phenomenal teacher... absolutely amazing, and I'd have to say this has been Ashlyn's best school year so far! I just can't beleive its already over!

Maybe if Kandis was home things would have been easier?!?!?! :0)
You are so lucky to have such a beautiful, sweet daughter! I know just how helpful she can be, too - I've seen it! I love knowing she has such a great time at school. Only a couple more months and Shboy will be in kindergarten...I'm so excited for him, but sometimes I get so nervous about all the stuff that goes on in thanks for the encouragement.
very funny stacey, however i love how you always include me in the blog somehow.
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