ANYWAY.... our family was invited, for free, to stay in a cabin up in the mountains near Park City this week. We decided to go in the middle of the week so #1 CJ wouldn't miss basketball, and #2 so CJ could be sure to work this weekend (ok, so maybe thats not the correct order). What a fun experience this was! We have had such a great summer so far in that we have gotten to do several really fun things, and this one is right up there at the top.
First of all... this is the cabin

We got there Wednesday and the 5 of us loaded up on the 4 wheeler and went on a tour.

And here is a brief tour of the cabin...
this is the deck... where we ate breakfast (we didn't want this to be too expensive so our breakfast was cereal!)

This is the view from that deck

this is the enclosed porch (needs to be cleaned out because they've stored their deck stuff in there for the winter). This is an AWESOME space!

This is the loft/family room

And this is the living room looking down from the loft

This is the deck off the room where the kids slept

This was Canyon's piece of Heaven

And this was Kailey's

Ashlyn was on the 4 wheeler with Daddy for most of the day Thursday! They saw 7 moose!!! They came and picked us up in the truck and we tried to track them back down. We saw a mommy bedded down with a baby.

Canyon decided it would be best if he drove

then it got the best of him.

We also saw deer

Sounds too good to be true doesn't it!?!? Well, there was a catch... if you want to call it that! The reason for the invitation is that we are thinking of moving up there! Right now it depends on whether or not Blake will be coming back for his senior year. There wouldn't be much privacy... his "bedroom" would be the family room... not sure how that would work... so we'll see. We told the owners that we would let them know in the next 24 hours.
24 hours wow big deal, it looks really nice, how did you find it??? stacey keep your eyes open for a letter being forwarded for me from mom, it's my TRUCK TABS and will need to put them on the day i arrive. THANKS. take care and let me know what you decide on the cabin? were exactly is it?
love you
That's pretty exciting! What's the verdict?!?!?
That definitley seems like a place right up your alley! But why the exciting new adventure??? Yeah, I want more details here. who, what, where, when, why, and how? :) oh and happy be-lated b-day Kailey! How did you make those cool cupcakes?
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