Thursday, August 28, 2008


Ok, I am going to try and make this less wordy than I know I would like to... but I will attempt to spare too many details... I seem to be an open book!!!

4 and 1/2 years ago CJ had his brain surgery. He was part of a study to try to come up with the "proper technique" to fix his problem. As we all know the surgery didn't work. We have continued to research and try to find something that will help CJ. The latest find was the NCR treatments. The only problem was the cost. Well, this week CJ's Dad started doing some more research and made some calls. On Monday he contacted a facility that does the therapy and they agreed to reduce the fee, in half, because they weren't sure the procedure would work, given CJ's prior surgery, and the amount of pain he is currently in daily. It was tentatively scheduled for him to have the therapy either the 11th or 16 of September!! EXCITING!!
Not too long after that phone call with his Dad he got another. Steve made contact with the new facility that CJ's neurosurgeon is at in Denver (CJ went to Missouri for his surgery). We have been very blessed!!! This doctor had contacted, by letter, the patients in the surgery study, including CJ, a few years back saying that he was going to move and turn his practice to pediatrics. So we had written off ever getting to see him again. When Steve contacted them it worked out that CJ WOULD be able to see him again after all!!!! On the 5th of September!! It turns out that through cancellations etc. they could see CJ! So in about a week he and Steve are headed to Denver for, possibly, another procedure. The neurosurgeon has made improvements on the surgery which should greatly reduce the number of long term complications (this is where I could go into lots of detail, but I won't... unless you call or email me and want to know).
So, now... why am I letting you in on our very personal business??? Because we can use your prayers, and all the prayers of all you know... in whatever form they come!! CJ and I have already talked and if he were to have another surgery there would be no question that he would not come home until the 4-6 weeks passed (whether he goes to stay with his parents, or wherever), and the doctor felt he could continue with "life as usual". We've lived the past several years in "what-if" world, wondering if maybe he over did things after his last surgery and that's why it didn't work. We don't plan on making that same mistake twice.
I have always felt that he would get better. If this isn't it, we will, at the very least, have some answers!

(I guess I got a little wordy!!)


dippyrooroo said...

I'm so happy for you that you've found some hope again! My prayers are with you!

Kandis said...

soooooo happppy thanks for always updating your blog, i can't believe canyon is three, kailey is in kindergarden, and ashlynn has a recorder, NOT TO MENTION cj's possible surguy. you guys always have a full plate! good luck with everything coming up, PLEASE KEEP ME POSTED, love you favorite aunt, sister, and friend kander bear

Alicia said...

We're thinking about guys! CJ is in our prayers. Thanks for the update.