Tuesday, September 9, 2008

CJ update #2


SO this time when the doctor said all the new MRI's and CT's came out with nothing significant it wasn't quite so devastating (believe it or not). The reason for this, is that on Sunday night CJ decided to call the doctor that performs the NCR treatments in Denver to leave a message and see if he could get squeezed in sometime this week, while still in town. He called at about 8:00 on Sunday night... and the DOCTOR ANSWERED the phone!!! They had a long conversation and the doctor told CJ to be there Monday (yesterday) morning at 8. They met for almost 3 hours. They found that these treatments will probably significantly help CJ!!!!
The head (faces and skulls) are made up of 6 plates which contain a total of 72 (or 78... something like that) patterns, and this therapy helps to manipulate these patterns so that they are lined up and your body can function more properly (here is the website... I will spare you too many extra details) . The have a special scan they do for patients looking into the treatment and when they scanned CJ they found that 55 of CJ's 70-whatever plate patterns are misaligned, and this therapy will line them up. We felt comfortable with this after months of research, and what makes it even more comfortable is that the doctor is only about 6 months away from his doctorate in Neurology... so he knows the makeup of the neurological system!!
CJ is there this morning for his first of many treatments, and we're not sure when he'll see improvements, but really feel like he will. He has treatments every day for the rest of the week, then he'll come home Friday night and we'll figure out if we need to relocate to Denver or not, so to cut down on (traveling) expenses getting to this doctor.... we're not sure how the costs for all of this are going to come together, but somehow we know they will.

OH one more up side... when he called Dr. Oro (the neurosurgeon) to get the results of the imaging CJ had done Friday night, and the doctor explained that he saw nothing significant... he also said he RECOMMENDED the NCR therapy!!! We fell like we're on the right track!!
I will keep you updated about how the therapy is going!

Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. The support of friends and family means more than I can say.

1 comment:

dippyrooroo said...

So good to hear good news! And a big hug to you Stacey for everything it takes to keep things together at home. You're pretty amazing!