Just kidding!
Ok, so CJ had another birthday! The big 3-2! I think every year I make a point of saying how much I enjoy his birthdays because then, for almost exactly 3 months I am only a year older than him. Probably something that only gets to women... and only a few at that, but hey... it is what it is, so I will enjoy it for a little while longer! We really wish he had been feeling better and able to enjoy it a little more, but the end may be around the corner. As of the day of this post he only has 3 more days until he meets with a specialist at the U of U!!!
Anyway, here are some memory keepers of the family trying to make daddy's birthday special (we even locked him out to decorate... but I don't think we got any pictures of that)
Kailey made him a cake at school
He got to use the very special plate the Jessie-Bob made us for Christmas. And the stuff in the pan... hamburger slop... of all the things I make... that's what he wanted... and it was his birthday... so I did it. Its actually hamburger stroganoff... but when we could have had it with REAL meat in it... it gets renamed hamburger slop!

And he got a fruit "cake" it was actually a pie... of fresh fruit... but you can see who was the most excited... AND who got the first bite!
I think daddy had a pretty happy birthday!
Then we had Mothers day... well, I had mothers day. They cooked and cleaned for me... and got me a beautiful bowl of flowers that I was able to plant out front. I am very grateful to be a mom, and I am grateful for the time I get to spend with my wonderful family. I am grateful that, for the most part, we get along so well, and enjoy being in each others company. I am grateful for the patience of my children who have the gift to make even difficult times better. Heavenly Father has truly blessed me with many, many wonderful things, and my family is certainly at the top of that list. I don't have any pictures of my special day... because I guess I am the one who is always holding the camera and... it was my day off!!!Gardening.. oh how I have longed for the days I could garden!!! This year.. thanks primarily to a group of fantastic people from church... I HAVE A GARDEN!!!! My friend Allison and I are actually doing it together. Its the first year for both of us, and we figured it may be better to learn together than have 2 dead gardens... so... first things first...

Now I am just going to eagerly await the little sprouts to shoot up and confirm all the hard work that's been put into this! We will hopefully have corn, carrots, beans, peas, tomatoes, broccoli, onions, beets, romaine lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini (yellow and green), and 3 other kinds of squash... PLUS in another spot I planted pumpkins, melons (that's what the package said... MELONS), cantaloupe and watermelon! It will be SO exciting if all of it comes up... but I would be happy with just a few things!! This will be great adventure because already we don't have a sprinkler that waters the whole thing without moving it 6 times (literally... that is NOT an exaggeration), plus our hand sprayer lost the ring that seals it to the hose, so if we use that we end up showered... we'll get it figured out... its all part of the fun!
Ash has a dance recital coming up in June, then we are headed to Spokane for at least a couple of weeks! (That's another reason I couldn't do a garden by myself!!!). After next week the kids will be out of school and summer will be in full swing!!!
Ash has a dance recital coming up in June, then we are headed to Spokane for at least a couple of weeks! (That's another reason I couldn't do a garden by myself!!!). After next week the kids will be out of school and summer will be in full swing!!!
1 comment:
Stacey, you don't know me, but CJ and I were friends about a million years ago. I found your blog through Kara's. It looks like you guys have quite the set of adventures!
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